Assessment for Sensory Gating Using by Prepulse Inhibition of the Startle Reflex 惊跳反射弱刺激抑制评价感觉运动门控
The article reviewed the PPI research, as including the following contents: the definition of startle reflex, PPI, and habituation; 该文介绍了感觉门控的惊跳反射、PPI及适应性反应的概念;
The test of cliff avoidance reflex, surface righting reflex, air righting reflex, auditory startle reflex, visual placing reflex and forelimb hanging were studied in offspring of Wistar rats. 孕鼠自然分娩,对仔鼠早期神经行为发育指标:前肢悬挂、断崖回避反射、平面翻正、空中翻正反射、听觉惊愕、视觉定位进行测试;
The application of measuring arterial blood pressure to the startle conditioned reflex in chronic animal model 慢性动脉血压监测模型在惊恐条件反射中的应用